Today i did my first hyperion....... Was like an inferno!!!!! No one of the exercise in the complete way, all in the easy way. I finished in 57 minutes..... Aphrodite is a kids game [FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES] Enviado desde mi iPhone con Tapatalk
You were right Jose, i almost puked at the end of workout.. I gave to it my all and did it in 26:47, unfortunately without the star because i couldn't handle doing push-ups on the right hand (my weaker one) during the last round, but next time i'll get the star.
26.30 with star. The last 5 HS Pushups were very hard. I was checking the Hyperion times of some of the featured athletes: Levent 12.55, Joshua 10.57 and Alexander 9.31! How is that possible?! Ricardo
14.40 with star! I had a huge improvement in the HS Pushups and Squats. My weak point are the Jumps. Ricardo