Hello from reivilo

Dieses Thema im Forum "New here? Introduce yourself!" wurde erstellt von reivilo, 13. Oktober 2013.

  1. reivilo

    reivilo Frischling

    Hello, my name is Oliver and I'm in Strasbourg, France. I practice Freeletics for 11 weeks now.
    I knew freeletics randomly watching a video of Levent. I was immediately attracted by the concept and I bought the guide cardio / strength.
    I'm glad I found this forum to share and receive advice.
    Thank you for welcoming me, sorry I did not speak German.
    My name is reivilo on the iOS app, if you want to follow me.
  2. noidon

    noidon Hades

    Hey reivilo,

    it's nice to see that the forum attracts people from different places of the world and becomes global.

    If you are struggeling finding the right area for your questions feel free to ask here or write me a pm.

    Welcome :)
  3. OctroneXx

    OctroneXx Aphrodite Moderator

    Re: AW: Hello from reivilo

    Hi there Oliver,

    We are currently working on a English speaking section in the forum but never the less you are welcome to write in every section of the forum you like, so don't hesitate, nobody will rip your had off :smile:
    Most Germans can speak English so you will definitely get a answer to every question you might have.

    If you need a translation on anything regarding Freeletics or have any other problems regarding the forum feel free to contract me via pm.

  4. reivilo

    reivilo Frischling

    @ noidon and OctronXx : thank you for this welcome
  5. freemindeUCPmuscul

    freemindeUCPmuscul Frischling

    Hallo olivier nice to see you here ;-)
  6. reivilo

    reivilo Frischling

    Hallo free. :D

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