Hi from the UK

Dieses Thema im Forum "New here? Introduce yourself!" wurde erstellt von CraigM, 6. Dezember 2013.

  1. CraigM

    CraigM Frischling

    Hi - Am loving the idea of freeletics. Following the strength and cardio schedule next week and also have the app.

    Hoping to connect with other guys/gals from the UK. Am loving the workouts. never realised how tough it could be..am a reasonably fit guy but Aphrodite still kicked my butt the first time with a 24.15 completion time (and i can run a 5k in 21.03)...hopefully that will come down the more i get used to burpees
  2. Marco

    Marco Venus Co-Administrator

    Hey CraigM,

    welcome to this forum.
    24:15 for the first time is great !
    Star or no star ? ;)

    Greetings from Germany
  3. AlexKla

    AlexKla Aphrodite

    aphrodite kicks ass :D

    24 minutes is great, u'll get faster soon :)
  4. CraigM

    CraigM Frischling

    Hi yeah that's with a star. They are great workouts..i would imagine if you eat right and follow the schedule you should see some muscle mass gains too as well as fitness

    Whats annoying is i look at the leaderboards on the app, and i want to know who is the top guy/gal in the world who has done aphrodite or helios etc. However the top person has done it in 22 seconds (which clearly isn't right). Shame that it can't be cleaned up as there are a load of entries that are clearly errors etc

    Next target for me is sub 20 min aphrodite which i hope to get before the new year. key for me is the burpees..i think i go to fast on the opening set, i go balls out on the first 40, struggle with the last 10 then i am pretty much struggling in oxygen debt for the rest of the workout lol

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