Tough start!

Dieses Thema im Forum "Fragen zu Freeletics" wurde erstellt von chilikexe, 21. Februar 2014.

  1. chilikexe

    chilikexe Frischling

    Hello everyone! I was jus wondering if freeletics is suitable only for athletes or generally people who work-out or can someone who hasn't been really working out do it?
    I tried today the Aphrodite programme,and I am so disapointed, because I couldn't even finish it....I quit after the 30x squats... I felt really horrible and I even threw up... Is that normal for a total beginner? Should I just keep trying until I can at least finish it?What do u think?Oh by the way I am a 27 year ol female,and I just want to lose 5 kilos and get fit and healthy!Thanks a lot!
  2. kielerkoenig

    kielerkoenig Herakles

    Hi chili,

    first of all - freeletics is for the average guy - or girl, so you don't have to be an athlete beforehand to train with freeletics.
    I's hard though, especially in the beginning and the Aphrodite workout kills most beginners the first few times they attempt it. So no worries, this is "normal" in the sense of - almost everybody feels like you did the first time.
    The first trial is to finish a workout - this will be your first task and don't worry if you'll not succeed next time around.
    Maybe you can try a "half-Aphrodite": 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 repetitions?
    You should go with the easy variants of every exercise first and when you can do all repetitions, switch to the harder version.
    Stay with it and you will see that you soon will get better and faster!

    Keep going!
  3. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Thats right. Frelletics is for everyone who want to be fit. So don't give up and try, like kielerkoenig wrote, half workout.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. chilikexe

    chilikexe Frischling

    Thanks a lot you guys! I'll try to make baby steps if I have to but not give up! :)
    Thanks a lot for your answers!

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