A journey from skinny to the future

Dieses Thema im Forum "Diaries and Success stories" wurde erstellt von JODK9, 17. August 2014.

  1. JODK9

    JODK9 Hades


    combination of events I believe, after sleeping a couple of times on my right shoulder, waking up with a totally numm arm (no feeling whatsoever) and then that cold, having to stop for a week and start again... eventually resulted in the injury...

    Yeah I doubt I can do much about the fact of wasting the couple of weeks, I guess I'll just have to live with it.
  2. Ricardo

    Ricardo Hades

    Any improvement with your shoulder?
  3. JODK9

    JODK9 Hades

    Nope, going to the hospital today, my left shoulder started experiencing 'spasms' as well since the last couple of days (probably cause I haven't used it over the last 6 weeks)...
    I'll have to wait and see with a bit of bad luck a couple of months extra :(
  4. Ricardo

    Ricardo Hades

    I am sorry to hear that. Did the doctor say anything about it?
  5. JODK9

    JODK9 Hades

    Seems to be an infection in my upper arm slime thingy, haven't got a clue of the English term.
    Doc gave me a shot and said it should get better within the week or max 2, so who knows... Might get back in the beginning of next year :) Wait and see
  6. Ricardo

    Ricardo Hades

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