My Freeletics story

Dieses Thema im Forum "Diaries and Success stories" wurde erstellt von chausj, 16. Januar 2014.

  1. Great job, very nice times on your Hades!
  2. TheMonk

    TheMonk Iris

    Re: Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 8 Finished

    very good time for Hades! also Burpee Max looks promissing... Try to do Ares with Star!
    It might be the easiest workout to try to go for star as it only contains 7 reps per round
  3. chausj

    chausj Hera

    My Burpee Max PB is 71*, my goal now is 100 :)

    And you right, next time have to try Ares with *. I also thinking to buy some resistance bands to improve my pullups.
  4. TheMonk

    TheMonk Iris

    71* is great! And 100 is a tough goal but go for it :twisted:

    Go search the net for pullup training. There are excellent web pages where you get training plans to help improve the pullup capabilities w/o a resistance band.
    I learned them this way... it's a little bit harder but faster.
  5. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Yea, I have few videos already, have to start during rest days between Freeletics :)

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  6. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 9 Finished

    Week 9 successfully finished. It was very interesting week.

    First three sessions seemed to OK.
    APOLLON - 26:23* PB

    HADES - 28:52
    SITUP MAX - 97* PB

    HADES - 24:55 PB

    And than came last session. Five max workouts and I never did them before. I decided to split it in two approaches. First two sessions I did in the morning:
    JUMP MAX - 206* PB
    10 minutes break
    JUMP MAX 189*

    Another three sessions I did in the evening.:
    SPLIT LUNGE MAX - 136*
    10 minutes break
    JUMP MAX 170*
    15 minutes break
    JUMP MAX 151*
    Maybe results could be better in evening session if I was doing it outside and not thinking about disturbing neighbors :)

    What can I say, three days after working out my calfs are still sore, but I like it :) At least I know it works :)
  7. TheMonk

    TheMonk Iris

    Re: Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 9 Finished

    Holy crap 4 time Jump Max... and very good results !!
  8. RichardDieSau

    RichardDieSau Herakles

    Thumbs up from me too, i never had Jump Max, but i think its hard and you have done it 4 times with awesome results, great! :eek:
  9. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Thx :)

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  10. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Now in my first post you can see my Personal Bests. I will also put them to appropriate topics :)
  11. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 10 Finished

    So 10 weeks passed insensibly and last 5 are in front of me.

    My coach gave me goal of the week to break my PB in two different workouts. That week I had 7 workouts. I was able to set new PB 6 times :) Also on Sunday I decided to do one extra workout - PULLUP MAX. I did 13* pullups. Before starting to train Freletics I wasn't able to do single one.

    Also I finally bought shoes for working out - INOV-8 BARE-XF 210 - shoes created for Crossfit training.


    After 10 weeks with Cardio and Strength there is a time for new statistics comparing to Week 1 [also comparing with stats after 5 weeks]:

    Age: 28 y.o.
    Weight: 80,1 kg (-5,5 kg) [Week 5 - 80,6 kg (-5 kg)] [Week 1 - 85,6 kg]
    Height: 179 cm
    Chest: 111,5 cm (+1,5 cm) [Week 5 - 110 cm] [Week 1 - 110 cm]
    Waist: 91,5 cm (-7,5 cm) [Week 5 - 93 cm (-6 cm)] [Week 1 - 99 cm]
    Thigh: 59,5 cm (-0,5 cm) [Week 5 - 58,5 cm (-1,5 cm)] [Week 1 - 60 cm]
    BMI: 24,97 (-1,56) - normal weight [Week 5 - 25,16 (-0,47)] [Week 1 - 26,53]
  12. Great job by beating 6 of your PB's in one week, also the pull up max seems good! Keep up the good work!
  13. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Thanks. There is no way back :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 11 Finished

    So far eleven weeks are behind me :)

    After long time I had a date with Aphrodite - PB 24:24* - it great to see and feel improvement. Also for the first time I did Poseidon with the STAR :) One of great workouts was Lunge Max - PB 149*, I like it :)

    More or less that's all for the week 11. See you next week!
  15. TheMonk

    TheMonk Iris

    Re: Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 11 Finished

    congrats for the star in Poseidon!!
  16. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 12 Finished

    So week 12 is gone. I had 4 sessions, Dione, two Areses, Apollon and one more time Dione. Finally I was able to do one Ares with the STARs, in second one two last rounds were modified. Except this one Ares I got personal bests on all workouts. Really happy with improvement.

    Actually I'm now in week 13 and it is hell for my legs :)

    Also I finally got my another workout equipment - Yurbuds in-ear headphones. I can only recommend to buy them. They fits great and never falls out.


  17. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 13 Finished

    Week number 13 - HELL for legs :)

    There were 4 sessions targeting legs:

    1st session - Hera (19:11* PB)
    2nd session - Split Lunge Max (161* PB), Jump Max (208* PB), Split Lunge Max (129*), Jump Max (121*), Split Lunge Max (113*)
    3rd session - Hera (19:45*)
    4th session - Split Lunge Max (165* PB), Jump Max (176*), Split Lunge Max (132*), Jump Max (184*), Split Lunge Max (134*)

    Grand total:
    Jumps - 1089*
    Lunges - 834*

    It seems that I'm really in love with lunges. I think that it is one of the best exercises for legs. Actually now my legs even doesn't feel sore - improvement :)
  18. TheMonk

    TheMonk Iris

    Re: Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 13 Finished

    Extremely good results at Jump Max and SplitLunge Max !!!
  19. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Cardio & Strength Coach - Week 14 Finished

    So week 14 is behind me. It was short , but intensive :)

    Four times METIS - I was able to set new PB in 4:47*

    URANOS - I did it for the first time, unfortunately wasn't able to perform all pullups with the star, but soon I'll do it :)

    One nice achievement for me was HADES with the STAR.
  20. chausj

    chausj Hera

    Cardio & Strength Coach - DONE

    I did it, 15 weeks of Cardio and Strength Coach with Freeletics are done :)

    Hell week was long :) I started it twice, after two sessions I had to stop, as I was on holidays and there was no pullup bar, therefore I restarted hell week and did it from beginning one more time. By the end of the week my arms were sore, in 15th week coach decided to take closer look on pullup bar :) Actually I liked it. I also reached few personal bests.

    What can I say? I'm satisfied with the result. But I wouldn't stop and will continue with Strength coach after short rest.

    Interesting thing I noticed, after completing all sessions of hell week I was waiting for coach to end. But I received sessions for week 16 (14 weeks left to week 30). On the web page I can see that my subscription is valid until April 25, 2014. Maybe coach is available until you have subscription? Newer the less I will change my focus of the coach to strength. Let me know if you have similar experience.

    And of course after 15 weeks with Cardio and Strength there is a time for final statistics comparing to Week 1:

    Age: 28 y.o.
    Weight: 77,5 kg (-8,1 kg) [Week 1 - 85,6 kg]
    Height: 179 cm
    Chest: 111,5 cm (+1,5 cm) [Week 1 - 110 cm]
    Waist: 89 cm (-10 cm) [Week 1 - 99 cm]
    Thigh: 58 cm (-2 cm) [Week 1 - 60 cm]
    BMI: normal weight / normálna hmotnosť24,10 (-2,43) - normal weigh [Week 1 - 26,53]

    And some photos before/after:


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